ipod therefore i am

3 July 2007

thank you, simpson.



think different.

i have mentioned this previously, but for those of you who have not yet viewed the apple commercial aired at the superbowl of 1984 on youtube, you must drop everything and watch it now.  apple was fighting against conformity.  it played off higher thinking.  it promised a whole new world; freedom.  has apple delivered?

we are sensory creatures …

the designers at apple understand something significant about what it means to be human: we are hardwired to appreciate sensory experience.

texture, shape, color, feel, aroma.

the things god creates in genesis are “pleasing to the eye”.  we have an ingrained sense of appreciation for how things look and feel and smell because god has an appreciation for how things look and feel and smell.  we bear the image of our maker.

taken from my book of the week, sex. god. – exploring the endless connections between sexuality and spirituality by rob bell.  not my most favorite person on the planet, but he hits on something in this book; he does not flesh out very well, but hits it none the less.  we are connected to each other.

after prof suzuki showed the lecture room the 1984 apple commercial, he fastforwarded to the present day apple commercial 20 years later.  the commercial had five colorful monitors spinning in a circle to music against a white background.  at the end of 30 seconds, the screen went white, the technicolor apple logo phased in and a single word appeared at the bottom: “yum”.

so degrading.  so backwards from what once was.  but suddenly aestheticism ruled.
